If you have a goal, stick with it and do what you want. You'll be able to achieve it. He took an oath to do his best and when he was done, this Eagle Scout had earned every single merit badge available. All 137 of them. In the Scouts' 100-plus year history, fewer than 350 people have ever accomplished that feat. New tonight, CBS 13 Steve Large Live in Sacramento with what made this teenager so determined. Steve live before the Boy Scouts headquarters here, as you can say, and as you mentioned, it's a very small group of Scouts that can claim this distinction. This particular teen says he was reading the New York Times one day and read a story about a scout that achieved this. He said, "Why not me too?" It's an unusual look for any Eagle Scout, take a close look at Tai Bingham's Eagle Scout uniform sash. The whole experience has taught me that I can do hard things. Really, it's not that he's earned 25 or 50 merit badges, he's earned 137 badges. That's all of them. 333 people, including me, have been able to complete all the badges since 1910, so in 107 years, it is a rare achievement. Third-party sources have estimated that 104 million total Boy Scouts have been registered. So it's 0.0003% or some small percent. And this one's fly fishing, Sonography, fire safety, theater, music. He started working his way down at home. Dad helped a lot. I did. I got to sew them all on. It was a great experience. Did you get a badge for that? I should. Becoming an Eagle Scout is a family affair. Ty, his dad, and grandfather have all earned the distinction, although Ty's got them beat on badges. I am so...
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New eagle palm application Form: What You Should Know
It is fast, very portable, and your information is safe. You can also use our mobile application. EAGLE SCOUT PALM APPLICATION CALL THE BOARD OF SCOUT RECOGNITION If you are having trouble completing the application, please call the Eagle Scout Board of Review at or email. The Palm approval may take up to 4 weeks to process! A complete Palm and other merit badge requirements must be completed before the board of scout review. Please see the official page for more information. DUTIES OF ROUTERS Conducting the Scout Troop meetings is the primary responsibility of the district (preferred). Duty reports are given to the district, and the district must send them when they are received. Please report all events to your local Eagle Scout office so that the Eagle Scouts may keep the proper records. To be eligible to perform the duties, you must have: a Boy Scout or leader that lives with you for over 3 months while you are on a merit badge a Boy Scout or leader in your Troop that will live with you for over 2 consecutive months in your Troop during the time that you are on a merit badge If you do not meet this requirement, you will not be able to complete the requirements for Eagle Scout recognition. The Eagle Scout board of review has the power of certifying the ability to perform the duties. To meet standards for Eagle Scout recognition, each member in your Troop must be eligible to perform the duties without exception. All Boy or Girl Scouts living in your Troop should be listed on your district's Application for Troops. All eligible children must be listed on the Troop's roster. Applicants must also have all required paperwork for merit badge requirements: Application for Troops (application must be signed before you can complete application and other requirements) All required documentation for the Eagle Scout Palm Approved Scout Troops 1. Please be careful not to leave this form incomplete or inaccurate. 2. A Scout may be removed from the process if the board of scout decision determines that their presence in the Troop will interfere with their ability to fulfill the purposes of the merit badges for which they are attempting the Eagle Scout recognition.
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