Music, hey guys! America's been here in another video, and today I'm going to give you a status update on my journey to becoming an Eagle Scout in just two years. If you don't already know, let me give you a quick overview. There are seven Scout ranks, 16 leadership positions, and 21 merit badges. So far, I have achieved four out of the seven Scout ranks. I have obtained the Scout rank, 10 different second-class ranks, and recently, I achieved first-class rank as well. I'm currently working on achieving the star, life, and Eagle ranks, with Eagle being my ultimate goal. In terms of leadership positions, there are a total of 16. I have served as a quartermaster before, I am currently a patrol leader, and I also hold the position of den chief. So far, I have fulfilled three out of the sixteen leadership roles. Regarding merit badges, I have earned swimming and winter camp, first aid and winter camp, citizenship in the world, and recently, I have also achieved cycling, personal management, and chess badges. This totals to six out of the 21 required merit badges for Eagle. Although chess is not required, I am still planning to earn four more badges after completing the main 17. Currently, I am working on the moviemaking, camping, environmental science, and cooking merit badges. As mentioned earlier, I have achieved the first-class rank. This rank involves various aspects such as camping, cooking, tools, navigation, nature, aquatics, first-aid, fitness, citizenship, safety, and Scout spirit. I obtained the first-class rank recently, and the fitness and navigation requirements were the most challenging for me. Now, I am working towards achieving the star Scout rank. To earn this rank, I need to be a first-class rank for at least four months. I also need...
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Eagle Scout age Form: What You Should Know
Eagle Scout FAQ's — New York State Department of Environmental Conservation The New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) does not approve Boy Scout rank applications past the age of 18. For information about how to apply for Eagle or Sea Scout advancement as an adult, see “Exploring Eagle Scouting & Sea Scout Advancement” in the Scout Handbook. EAGLE SCOUT RANK APPLICATION A Scout, Venture, or Sea Scout approved to be registered beyond the age of eligibility may work toward Scouts BSA rank advancement after their 18th birthday. Apr 17, 2025 — A Scout has completed all the requirement for the Eagle rank, except one: the Eagle Scout board of review. Then they turn 18. Eagle Scout Information — National Capital Area Council The Guide to Safe Scouting provides information applicable to a Scout's Eagle Scout Service Project. The first is the age guidelines for the use of hand-held water bottles, other containers not designed for use by children such as sporks, mugs, and water bottles and cans (see). For example: “ The use of water bottles is not recommended in a survival situation, due to the potentially dangerous effects of dehydration. “ Apr 17, 2025 — A Scout has completed all the requirement for the Eagle rank, except one: the Eagle Scout board of review. Then they turn 18. The following two articles mention the age requirements for the hand-held water bottle: Can a Scout complete their Eagle board of review after 18? Apr 17, 2025 — A Scout has completed all the requirement for the Eagle rank, except one: the Eagle Scout board of review. Then they turn 18. Eagle Scout FAQ's — New York State Department of Environmental Conservation The New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) does not approve Boy Scout rank applications past the age of 18. For information about how to apply for Eagle or Sea Scout advancement as an adult, see “Exploring Eagle Scouting & Sea Scout Advancement” in the Scout Handbook. EAGLE SCOUT RANK APPLICATION This application is for a 15-year-old boy. Scout must be Eagle/Scout rank at age of fifteen. No, he will be required to complete some activity with Eagle rank before he is eligible to join the Cub Scout pack. As a 15-year-old, he should be in an Eagle Scout pack already.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Eagle Scout age