Hi, I'm Mayor Bob White. I'm here today with Michael Maniscalco, a member of The Saddle Brook Boy Scout Troop 213. He has been involved in scouting for several years and is attempting to achieve the high honor of Eagle Scout. The Eagle Scout designation is the highest achievement attainable in the Boy Scout program. It was founded over a hundred years ago and only four percent of Boy Scouts are granted this rank after a lengthy review process. The requirements necessary to achieve this rank take several years to fulfill. The final requirement is to organize a community project. Michael was granted approval by the Boy Scouts of America to do a renovation project at the Avon Park playground in town. He has also received the full support of the township governing body. The purpose of this video is to promote his project and encourage the community to help him in this endeavor. If you are interested in learning more, you can email Michael at MichaelManiscalco1482@gmail.com. Now, I'm going to ask Michael some questions about his plans to renovate the playground at Avon Park. Michael, please summarize what your project entails. For my project, I am going to renovate Avon Park in Saddle Brook. Avon Park is a playground used by many and is also the home to the Angels, a special-needs soccer program that my parents and family started for my sister who has special needs and developmental toys. We have been using the park for almost five years now and intend to continue using it. The playground needs a lot of work, so my plan is to renovate the park, including the slide and swing set. If I exceed my goals, I will replace the entire playground. Michael, could you explain your basic goals and what you hope to accomplish? My basic...
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Eagle Scout project workbook 2025 printable Form: What You Should Know
Fill in your application form 3 different ways. Share forms with family, friends. Share eagle scout form with anyone. ❑ How to fill out the Eagle Scout Project? First choose what to fill out. For an Eagle Project, fill out as many ways as you want. Share forms with family, friends. Share eagle scout form with others. Fill out and sign form once per month . . . For the lifetime of the Eagle Scout Service Project. For a Project, fill out in 3 different ways. Share forms with family, friends. Share eagle scout form with others. Use the link of this Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook once a month. Don't worry if the link is no longer active. You can use it again when you need to. Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook | Eagle Scout Handbook The Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook is your guide to everything you need to complete the last step on the road to becoming an Eagle Scout! ○ Read the rules, know all the information, and have you self-advance a project by the end of 2018. ○ See how you can become an Eagle Scout. ○ Follow the steps and receive the Eagle Project. ○ Enjoy Eagle Scout Service Project. ○ Read the 2025 guide with examples. ○ Enjoy this 2018 Eagle Scout Service Project Guide. ○ Get your own Eagle Scout project, including a service project book from the Eagle Scout Project Workshop at the BSA National Council Meetings. Eagle Scout Project: Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook PDF Form -- minnow Complete and fill out the eagle scout project in a few minutes. Share your service project with family, friends. Share your service project with others. Fill in and sign in three ways. Share with family, friends by e-mail. Share with leaders, staff, etc. Share in person, on paper, phone, etc. Use the link, link, and share this Eagle Scout Project Workbook. ○ What are the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook rules? ○ Find the project ideas for what you are going to do. ○ The project you choose to complete should be something your self is excited about. ○ The task you are going to pick is a challenge.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Eagle Scout project workbook 2025 printable