What's up guys it's been nearly two years since the original air pods have come out and in this video I wanted to show you two of the best fake air pods that have just recently hit the markets and are quite good or so I've heard they're very close in terms of the build not obviously the sound quality at least I don't think so but about one fourth to one fifth of the price at $35 I've already reviewed several of these none came close there were various sizes some that were huge compared to the original ones some that looked nothing like it's and there was this one which was even bigger like the mammoth plus size ear pods so now two new versions have hit the markets I'm gonna be taking a look at them the pros and cons of each let's see of saving a quick buck on Apple's air pods and buying a replica of them is worth it now now that they've gotten so much better you know a year and a half from the original release alright so real quickly open this one up this one has been our market for a few months and from what I hear it's very very close in terms of size to this one this is the pad ear mini x1 and then I'm gonna show you an even newer version after that and check out that packaging first they don't try to be air pods their pad ear so they do appear much bigger on here I'm hoping they're not that much bigger this isn't an actual size oh that is a pleasant surprise definitely not as big as the other ones this is a mini oh this has an apple like packaging cool comes...
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Eagle palm requirements 2025 Form: What You Should Know
Print it out and fill it out the next time you are in BSA Office for the duration of your membership at home. • Fill out and sign the Eagle Palm application at a local BSA office. • Complete a paper-based Eagle Scout Palm for use online or by mail or fax. Download Printable PDF and fill out Eagle Scout Palm Application. Eagle ScoutPalms.org Visit Eagle Scout Palms on the internet for help with Palm reports and for information on where to get Eagle Points. Find out about: • How to track your Palm progress using the Palm application. • How to track your Eagle Palms progression using electronic badges and service-project certificates. Visit Eagle Scout Palms on the internet for help with Palm reports and for information on where to get Eagle Point. The online application can be found at: Eagle Scout Palms on the internet for help with Palm reports and for information on where to get Eagle Point. Eagle Scout Palm Checklist. Explore the easiest way to report your miscellaneous compensations. This is a printable guide listing all your Palm awards, including the benefits offered through the Eagle Scout Service Project. This is the fastest way to report Palm Awards to the BSA. Print the PDF and fill out and sign the Paper Based  Eagle Scout Palm Application. • The Eagle Scout Palm Checklist at . • Print this PDF and fill out the Palm Report on BSA Office. If you have a service project certificate and other paperwork that will be needed to prove Eagle Palm • Contact Eagle Scout Points Services for additional information. • Complete and sign the Eagle Scout Palm Application.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Eagle palm requirements 2025